Family: Fabaceae
Genre: Myroxylon
Species: Balsamum
Common names: Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam, Balsam, Baume de Tolu
Overview: Peru balsam is a fat, liquid resin from the trunk of the species, Myroxylon pereirae extracts. Balsam of Peru is a big, beautiful tree with a straight, smooth trunk. This tree is propagated by seeds or cuttings, and that makes it easy for them as a shade plant in the tropics.It is also often planted in coffee plantations for the same purpose.
Location: His name is linked in Peru, because Peru was traveling from ports in Europe, and many believed it was a product from a different tree from Peru. However, balsam of Peru is a species of legume high growth, Myroxylon pereirae in a small area of forest in Central America, San Salvador, in particular, is growing.
Balsam of Peru is used as a flavoring agent in toothpaste. It carries the scent of vanillaand because of its antiseptic properties alleged, the cause can be found in shampoos, conditioners and lotions. It is also used as a flavoring in tea, cough syrup, lozenges, chewing gums and candies.
Uses: Balsam of Peru is now as a flavoring oil, fragrance oil and remedies on the market for skin problems. May cause allergic reactions and should be closely monitored by medical personnel. Its medical applications are prepared hemorrhoidal, and topical agents for burnsbecause it can speed healing. Some reports have pointed out has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and others argue that promotes the growth of the skin. It 'also locally to relieve dandruff, diaper rash, bed sores, scabies and other skin problems used.
As an essential oil, Balsam of Peru is mainly used in the perfume industry, but there are still prepared today in Tulle Gras. As a perfume, can be found in fragrances and cosmetics, medical creams and ointments. AlthoughBalsam of Peru is now widely used in medicine, dentistry market, food and cosmetics is to meet very often cause allergic reactions in patients, and caution, to be seen for skin reactions.
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Any reference to medicinal use is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.